Narrative Therapy

Narrative therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on the stories we tell ourselves and how they shape our identities and behaviors. The goal of narrative therapy is to help individuals rewrite their personal narratives in a way that empowers them and allows them to live more fulfilling lives.

Narrative therapy was first developed in the 1970s by Australian therapist Michael White and his colleague David Epston. They noticed that traditional therapy often focused on problems and pathologies, which could leave clients feeling stuck in a negative cycle. Instead, they wanted to help clients reframe their experiences in a way that highlighted their strengths and resilience.

How does narrative therapy work?

In narrative therapy, your therapist works with you to explore the stories you tell about yourself and your life. These stories can include the events of your past, your relationships with others, and your hopes for the future. Your therapist helps you to identify and challenge any negative or limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

One of the key concepts in narrative therapy is the idea that our identities are shaped by the stories we tell about ourselves. For example, if you tell yourself a story about being a failure, you may begin to see yourself as inherently flawed and incapable of success. Narrative therapy allows you to examine these stories and to create new narratives that reflect your strengths and values.

Another important aspect of narrative therapy is externalizing the problem. This means separating the problem from the person and viewing it as an external force that can be challenged and overcome. For example, instead of saying "I am depressed," you might say "I am experiencing depression." This subtle shift can empower you and make you feel less defined by your problems.

Narrative Therapy is empowering

Narrative therapy has been used to treat a wide range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, trauma, and adoption issues. It can also be used to help you navigate major life transitions, such as divorce or career changes.

Narrative therapy is a powerful tool for helping you to reframe your experiences and create new narratives that empower you. By working with a skilled therapist, you can gain insight into the stories you tell yourself and make meaningful changes that lead to a more fulfilling life.

Make sense of your past and approach the future with confidence.